It's Tuesday. We departed early and arrived at the campsite when the sun was settled up on our head. We were the first to arrive, earlier than what I thought. The place was really windy, where a sea breeze stung out. Made we felt so cool. So here I was, at the National KRS Camp - for the Islamic Institutions called IPA, for a four days treat in a little campsite named Sri Lang in SBPI Sabak Bernam, in a northwest district of Selangor, my native state.

First, we were whisked to built the tents, along with the girls from our contingent. Good, mine was solid and steady as we fixed the stake on a flat soil. Mine was a few inches bigger than the rest though. And I was clueless then, since we're not allowed to lay down in the tent and relax, I walked motionless around the hectic campsite. There were always new contingents to arrive and for us to greet. But all I knew was that I'm already weary and I wanted to have a nap. I haven't had a real sleep for the few previous night, and I knew what was coming next was surely fagging us out. I was about to step out from the campsite when I clashed into a girl with a complete KRS uniform. Her face was innocent and from her style, I could say she's cool. We didnt think much or even bother to talk much but then we both agreed to escape from the hustle and so, we were sneaking into the school. There, we took a deep rest and felt relieved before my gnawing guilt asked both of us to turn back into the camp. By the time we arrived at the campsite, I was a bit worried since everybody else had already lined up at the field, and the next session was about to start. But this girl was cool, I told you, she made we did a quick invisible run and phew, luckily we managed to escape before their eyes and we joined the rest and we became close friend.
I knew there must be challenges, on purpose or not, its the custom. The fatigue, dehydration, discomfort, brutality and so forth. But I forgot the word dampness. The first night we spent there was covered with heavy rain. We all got soaked, not even one stuff left. From the top of our head until the tip of our feet, we were totally wet. The clamant and clattering noises from the others woke me up at 4 am, and I felt my back was sticking with water. I found out that the raindrop was sneaking into our tent bit by bit. The rain went heavier. And starting from that moment, the second day witnessed us playing in the rain bath all along the activities.
It was also the day I had my first experience performed the solah in this real uncomfortable way. It was Solat Subuh, so the atmosphere was as dark as a pure black where you cant see anything except for the dim and gloomy moonlight up in the sky. Once the Uztaz said "Ready to hold your breath whenever you sujud!" Haha, Ezzah laughed a lot whenever Uztaz repeated this words, it's logic and necessarily, funny. Uztaz was really cool and he acted like nothing happened! I pretend as if it was normal too, but it turned inverted. Troubled. My telekung was soaked in wet and the flood making us difficult to move. I think, honestly men are easier to perform solat at this challenging moment. Try it, you will feel some pesky pebbles mixed with fine sand along with the water around your face when you are sujud, and try not to inhale them. It's a bit hard and uncomfortable but I promise you that it'll never made you feel temper, because it's too cold to feel so!
Then we had fried mihun as breakfast. It's not really a fried one since the raindrop was jumbled in it. There was a roof above our breakfast area, but still it couldn't completely protect you from the enormous rain to attack you, so here you go, an extra soup for your mihun. I had a handful of it as I also had a stomach to be fed. Plus, anything that sound like a food was accepted at that time. I doubt the health guarantee, but it's an emergency I couldn't bother with.
The day continued with a few indoor activities where we had compass orienteering, a short paintball lesson, creating crafts, marching, flying fox and etc. There we gained thousand knowledge and we shared stories. We were getting closer and knowing the other side of the world are my favourite. And my least one was making crafts. I knew I'm almost zero at making them, gadgets, gadgets? What was it? How I supposed to structure them nicely? So that they would stand firmly. Nevertheless, I'm creating my own way of designing those pieces of woods and you know what I was awarded, I got a total mark of 1 for my gadgets. Thank you Tuan. I never learnt how to use several types of ties and knots to tight the woods into shapes. What I knew and what I did was all comes from my heart and it's personally in my independent way, so I named the knot as 'Indie Bond'. lol. :) The rest activities were okay still, I've used to flying fox before and I'd like it much better in the jungle and I've used to oriented compass, it just need a few more practice to master it.
Well, the days continued but lets put a comma here. Will be continued ...