Its amazes me how I have posted only once this year!
And it was just a drawing of a girl with unrelated caption.
I feel bad for that because well, you know I'd always want to blog every now and then so I have a track of how I filled my life haha. But seriously I was so unorganized. You miss a lot of good things since last year. I started to go a little bit further from my comfort zone I think. And it really was a turning point, I think.
But whatever it is, posting on social media so that others see what you are up to doesnt really matter. What matter is how much you participate in life. Cewah gitu. Nak cover haha. But true, personally I think I have wasted some part of my teenage life by regretting what I should have done during those days. I feel much worst I wont make it happened again. So live to the fullest. Dont think too much. Because your thought are the one who would prevent you from participating. Do what you always wanna do. So that one day you didnt look back in regret and feel sorry what could've happened. After I met a life-changing someone, that has become my principle now. (Wow I do even have principle? Kekeke)
Anyway. What made me continue blogging is because of this kid name Ahmad Ali Karim, who is just 10 years-old boy yet is optimizing blogging to its whole benefits! (Mind my english) He started blogging ever since he was five, and actually he blogs about politics! I was so amazed as I came across his blog that I felt so motivated to keep blogging, even no one read it, it doesnt matter. (As long as you do what you want.) All the boy do is be himself, and thats the best part, that to me is so inspiring lah (That I even dont know how to describe it)
So after the grand opening (la sangat), now update. (I'm sorry this is a so self-centred post.)
- I am alive! Alhamdulillah!
- And I am still doing IB! Wont ever quit it at any cost inshaAllah.
- I just come back from Sri Lanka for the charity project we organized.
- Which means yes I'm on semester break. Only one week left.
- We did an awesome chromosome art exhibition last month at Red Bungalow. Also for the charity.
- I'm learning how to make a website, code and whatever! (I discovered my huge love for computer science as well)
- (Nak tulis jugak) A great achievement for me the cool kid who dont dance, I was force to perform cultural dance. And I did for the sake of Malaysia haha. Representing my country in Sri Lanka. Amazingly I did!
- And there was youthAce2014 just before exam. As I've became part of Langit Ilahi commitee, I became the photographer! Me being the photographer? How could Hilal chose the no-experience-ulfah? Aha you doubt me! Well yeah actually I am the one who volunteer for it (as exam is so near, being photographer doesnt need any discussion wink wink) even though I dont have the gear and whatnot (well plus it is my dream job actually!) There are so many volunteering opportunities this year, but schedule clashes, and mother IB awaits.
- Also, I did worked with so many people and met so many wisemen who taught me to be a better human. (Wise words comes in all kind of men, when they think.
- This led to me love people so much that I want to travel and venture often in future! (Join me anyone?)
- Weirdly this year I get connected to few hamidians seniors which I hardly ever talk to them in maahad before. But I feel blessed anyway.
- And I gained many new friends outside my circle. (Though I'm still awkward, I'm braver to make a deeper conversation at least hahahaa)
- Me and my girlfriends have plant two green projects. One is under IM4U and one with OISCA. And there I found out that I can actually listen to the nature's music.
- I'll show you my girlfriends.
- In between the good times, disturbance came, and depression followed, I changed a bit I guess, and so many things to be responsible for, and there I became less in contact with my former friends sadly. (Not having whatsapp is one of the reason me becoming less socially connected tsk tsk) And so I felt somehow one would think I'm snobbish. I feel bad for it. No please dont. :/
- Back to IB, I'm going to semester three in another one week.
I still remember of course, how everyone around me warn me about IB as they know I'm about to enter one. Well at that moment I think semua benda pun susah. But now things are getting to another higher level, I couldnt agree more. I've come to this far so be it. May Allah makes me stronger hopefully!
Wait if theres anyone interested in doing IB, here read my mumbling haha.
In IB it was quite hard to score in higher level mathematics. Like I mean it, reallllyyyy hardddddd. The other subjects I dont think so. Last exam only three people out of hundreds gained 7 (highest mark) in math. I scored only 3. I hate to say it but it means fail. My whole class fail except for one boy who score 5. (Really hate to say it) And we dont have art subject though we are architecture students which I thought would be my pleasure in IB. We sort of engineering student here I think.
Also, you have to be balanced because theres everything in IB. We'd spent the morning hours for academics and the afternoon for remedials or extra classes, late evening for sport/club activities and night for non-academics thingy (and midnight to finish multiple assignments that count to your carried marks). You got CAS requirement (sort like aktiviti koko). One student basically have two club. I myself is a member of Bridging The Gap Mission, Architect Association, Netball Club and Arabic Club. (I've determined not to get to dissolved in many clubs) On another note, individually we have to work on Theory Of Knowledge Real Life Project, TOK essay and the Extended Essay. And so many lab reports, internal assessment that I hardly can cope with. (Well this is college life after all) Haha. This reminds me of my lab report I have to submit as soon as the new sem starts. ==
By the way, guess what my research subject for my Extended Essay is? They are the Hamidians and the Sri Ayeshas!! I used to be quite excited to start the research (but some part of me is so lazy) . Regardless, I think theres so many perks of the IB. To me IB itself is an informal class where lesson comes in various forms, mostly the unexpected angles. Within IB I learnt to be a balancer, to organize a humanitarian project, to do appointments with companies, deal with corporate, to be brave enough to ask sponsor for our charity projects, to fundraise, to contact the the minister, to mingle in the society you havent met before, to do business, to stand up to your opinion, to say no for plagiarism, to stay up so late that mostly you didnt sleep, to regret no choice, to respect each other and zillions things more. Well I should have stop blogging. So thats it! Partly the perks are also because my IB is happening in one of the best world school, kolej mara bantng! One day I gonna blog about KMB. Like really KMB!
This is le girlfriend through thick and thin in IB life, so called pondansado la konon. |
In short, I just realized that actually, there is so many things that I can do with my life. That you can do with your life. Only we dont have to care what other people might say.
- Oh yes another update maybe? I blog so much longer and quicker than before! Haha.
With that, salam :)