Its wonderful to think that this blog has turned seven years old already! But it is actually saddening to see my ceasing contribution towards this blog throughout times. Tapi seeing the browser tell you 'blog not found' and declaring that most of my favourite bloggers (and blogs) of mine is no longer traceable is even more saddening!
And I am not gonna delete the blog nor change my url. Even with no written records have made me felt like you have missed a huge portion of my adventures!
And while I'm on it right now, I might throw in some new posts as much as I can on what memories I need to archived. And this time around I wanted to tell you about the dinner I had recently.
It was supposed to be a batch dinner. But considering that my batch consists of 336 people and those who attend seem to be actually lesser than half of the amount, so I dont really think the name is appropriate.
Apart from my classmates, most of my friends didnt even go. Lawak ah gak bila fikir balik out of all things, planning for the dinner actually cause quite a commotion. And there I saw a weird pattern of peer influence that affect the whole class participation, and then the next class, and then the next, and on.
At first I dont get it why would anyone unwilling to come to a dinner? Well you dont get to go to dinner everyday? Let alone a dinner dedicated to your own batch - after struggling that hella IB ride, on your last few hours together? And you cant expect a dinner in a hotel to be cheaper than the price of your shoes.
And that bring back my memory to when I was lepaking around with some seniors in kmb during their batch dinner night last year, who commented that they actually wanted to / would go, only they did not know why they didn't go in the first place so be it. And that explanation got me like whatttt. The same cycle goes every year. People not going for the sake of not going.
And I find it disturbing because some people appreciate friends dearly and of course hoping that the event will be a smooth success with the presence of each and every single mate in the batch who have had the same struggle as we do. We are all IB fighters. And enjoying that dinner would seem a bit awkward and less meaningful aannnnd somewhat unfulfilled without another contingent of fighters, isnt it?
But that is what I thought initially. Haha panjang gila aku tulis sekali tetibe aku lak takleh pergi sebab krisis dalaman yakni duit. Highlight is, beberapa hari before dinner tu Iman tertau aku tak pegi pastu dia tetiba terus senyapsenyap dia bayarkan broh and dia siap bookkan tempat untuk aku terharu gila sey. The end.
And so, on 22nd May 2015, the dinner took place on the same date as we finished our FINAL IB EXAM PAPER! Environmental Studies! Yay to no more school!

Nah gambar dessert last sekali. That was all pictures that I have. Guna kamera Fairuz lupa yang dia punya lens wide angle haha.
With that, adios KMB mates!
And I am not gonna delete the blog nor change my url. Even with no written records have made me felt like you have missed a huge portion of my adventures!
And while I'm on it right now, I might throw in some new posts as much as I can on what memories I need to archived. And this time around I wanted to tell you about the dinner I had recently.
It was supposed to be a batch dinner. But considering that my batch consists of 336 people and those who attend seem to be actually lesser than half of the amount, so I dont really think the name is appropriate.
Apart from my classmates, most of my friends didnt even go. Lawak ah gak bila fikir balik out of all things, planning for the dinner actually cause quite a commotion. And there I saw a weird pattern of peer influence that affect the whole class participation, and then the next class, and then the next, and on.
Its funny to me how different people find different things so important. Of course its a real deal to let everyone view from the same window. Take this dinner for example: some people think the amount of money you pay is all thats important, or on what to wear, or yada yada yada but to people like me, though I may be not financially rich, being together is the important bit, and that considerable amount of money is, like most other thing, an investment.
And that bring back my memory to when I was lepaking around with some seniors in kmb during their batch dinner night last year, who commented that they actually wanted to / would go, only they did not know why they didn't go in the first place so be it. And that explanation got me like whatttt. The same cycle goes every year. People not going for the sake of not going.
And I find it disturbing because some people appreciate friends dearly and of course hoping that the event will be a smooth success with the presence of each and every single mate in the batch who have had the same struggle as we do. We are all IB fighters. And enjoying that dinner would seem a bit awkward and less meaningful aannnnd somewhat unfulfilled without another contingent of fighters, isnt it?
But that is what I thought initially. Haha panjang gila aku tulis sekali tetibe aku lak takleh pergi sebab krisis dalaman yakni duit. Highlight is, beberapa hari before dinner tu Iman tertau aku tak pegi pastu dia tetiba terus senyapsenyap dia bayarkan broh and dia siap bookkan tempat untuk aku terharu gila sey. The end.
And so, on 22nd May 2015, the dinner took place on the same date as we finished our FINAL IB EXAM PAPER! Environmental Studies! Yay to no more school!

Dengan M13ATES!
Tessa and Raina!!!
Raina ni tak pernah lupa ucap kat aku bila ada tarikh-tarikh penting dalam islam macam Maulid Nabi ke Awal Muharram ke. I is touched man.
Dengan Nik Nazifah!! You dont get to meet cool people like her anywhere else.
Dengan Aliyya Mazeni!!

Nah gambar dessert last sekali. That was all pictures that I have. Guna kamera Fairuz lupa yang dia punya lens wide angle haha.
With that, adios KMB mates!
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