As everyone know, esok result. I'm feeling so restless that I actually done many things (including this post obviously) because first, we couldnt do anything about it and second, the result is actually already out there. It only has not been delivered to you yet. And third, I cannot expect my result at all because when I analysed my past result they are so various from ahaaaa, many grades, considering my lack of academic awareness. But I'll smile anyway. :D
Jangan compare diri kita dengan orang lain, kita akan rasa tak bersyukur. Dan kalau kita tak bersyukur maknanya kita ni........................................ isik sendiri. Bersangka baiklah dengan Allah. Kalau kejayaan itu baik bagi kita, Dia akan beri. We cant change what will happen tomorrow, or even dayssss after tomorrow, but we can always change how we react towards it.
Jangan compare diri kita dengan orang lain, kita akan rasa tak bersyukur. Dan kalau kita tak bersyukur maknanya kita ni........................................ isik sendiri. Bersangka baiklah dengan Allah. Kalau kejayaan itu baik bagi kita, Dia akan beri. We cant change what will happen tomorrow, or even dayssss after tomorrow, but we can always change how we react towards it.
Kata Kak Fil,
Specially dedicated to my ex-adik2 dorm yang comel, juniors MAHISS batch 95, SG sisters, dan UTPians Jan '13 intake osemm yang bakal mengambil result SPM --
InsyaAllah, may you all be granted the best ;) Anggaplah ia sebagai kayu ukur bagi usaha yang lalu, biarkan kejayaan itu memadamkan segala penat lelah dan kesusahan yang telah ditempuh. There's always relief behind every hardship kan? (Al-Insyirah: 5-6)
Anyway, it does not mark the end of your journey. Still a loong way to go. New doors and opportunities will always be offered in the future, for those who are willing to strive. (At-Talaq: 2-3)
So take a deep breath and brace yourselves for the outcome! ♥
Berlapang dada lah dan terus melangkah dengan yakin beserta Tuhanmu yang Maha Penyayang.
Jangan lupa, senyum :-)
Anyway, it does not mark the end of your journey. Still a loong way to go. New doors and opportunities will always be offered in the future, for those who are willing to strive. (At-Talaq: 2-3)
So take a deep breath and brace yourselves for the outcome! ♥Berlapang dada lah dan terus melangkah dengan yakin beserta Tuhanmu yang Maha Penyayang.
Jangan lupa, senyum :-)
I know the fact that Allah has made the best verdict for me, as He always know what lay ahead and what not. But what I'm afraid is, will I be able to handle with it? I'm trying my best to accept redafully. Aha new word!
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You're not expecting me to post somthing like this at moment like this, dont u? I told you I actually did many things when Im restless. |
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While this is for motelrocks, Not yet finish though tapi nak jugak letak kat blog haha. |
Oppa!!! U r so talented... that design.. pki ape? Nk lukis cam oppa gak!!
Pakai photoshop K! senang je.
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