Wohoa. Assalamualaikum And Hi. Does it sounds I'm overexcited for running all the way to Comic Fiesta?

The true account was, I went for a 7km road run earlier that morning - when all comic lovers were busy preparing cosplays to put on and heading to KLCC. Larian Jom Kitar Semula at Putrajaya. I registered my name as soon as I read the Kitar Semula word few weeks ago. I dont know why but I guess I'm in love with the earth so much more than before. To be honest, that was my first 7km run in my life. And I was so happy because I managed to end the route successfully. Alhamdulillah luckily I've got a place as well, so there you go, I got my first real road race medal in my life. Haha.
And straight away after that, we went for the COMIC FIESTAAAA at KLCC! Oh yay, it was seriously awesome! I'm not going to say more, here are some photos. Quite a number.
*p/s: Remember God wherever you are because God never forget you.
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