Friday, April 12, 2013

one day everyone will leave you

"Sun, don't go!"   
I was awake at last. 
"No, go I must, they're calling me."  
"Who are they?"
 Rising he said "Some day you'll know."  
"They're calling to you too."   

                               Darkly he rose.

                                                                                              -Frank O'Hara (A True Account of Talking to the Sun)


Anonymous said...

yeah, i know that.
and it sucks.

Anonymous said...

actually, nak tanye something nih.
ape status organ donation / organ transplant ? halal or haram.

ulfa said...

wow organ donation. jawapan saya brief saja. awak kena research lagi. but hope it help tho

Kalau dalam islam byk khilaf. khilaf ni pun asalnya sebab adanya hadis ni,

'drpd Aishah RA bersabda, sesungguhnya perbuatan mematahkan tulang si mati samalah seperti mematahkan tulangnya semasa ia hidup.' [riwayat ahmad]

Tapi hadis ni merujuk kpd penganiayaan org yg dah meninggal.

so sebenarnya status organ transplant ni skrg halal. sebab tujuan organ transplant ni sgt bermanfaat, untuk selamat nyawa ribuan pesakit (selamatkan nyawa termasuk dalam maqasid syariah / objektif syariah). keperluan ni lagi mustahak, so hadis tu terbatal.

*btw 2011 malaysian donor : 60% chinese, 17% indian, 7% malay.

Anonymous said...

oohh ok2. thank you very much :) oppa, ko mesti x dapat teka sape aku kan ? hehehe. btw, ty. love u <3

ulfa said...

anonymous yang first tu aku rasa tau sape.

tapi sape ko? pft... mehla guna nama sendiri hehehe. dahlah tetibe topik organ transplant dekat post aku tgah feeling2 ni haha.

Anonymous said...

first ngn second tu org yg same larh.
hehe. btw, congrat dpt anugerah hem kan td/smalam ?

sbb aku lari topik : aku pon tngh feeling mlas nk hidup, rasa nk bunuh diri pon ade, aku tngah kemurungan nih. pastu baca post nih, and then i realize that i deserve to be forever alone. but anyway thank you for the information again. and ignore me k.